Webmaster Archive

OLG Preschool

Preschool Information Evening

Please join us for a look at our new Preschool Classrooms and Program, on Wednesday April 4th at 7PM in the Preschool Classroom. All are welcome! Call: 310 372-7486 for more information about the event. If you know someone that might benefit …
A Lenten Message from Fr. Ray

A Lenten Message from Fr. Ray

Today is our Third Sunday of Lent. We are approaching the half way point in this Season of Grace. What has your Lent been like so far? Have you received the Sacrament of Reconciliation? How have you been practicing the three pillars of Lent: Fasting, Prayer and …
OLG Preschool - Opening soon

OLG Pre-School Program

Our Lady of Guadalupe School is pleased to announce the planned opening of our preschool for the 2012-2013 academic year. Our preschool program will offer a developmentally appropriate, multi-sensory learning environment that will prepare your child for an academic kinder program. We will offer multi-age groupings for …
Celebration of the Second Scrutiny

Celebration of the Second Scrutiny

Next Sunday at the 11:30AM Mass we join our Elect and Candidates in hearing the story of Jesus healing the man born blind. Together we welcome the light of Christ to shine on our spiritual blindness and pray for the courage to live as children of …
An Important Message from Fr. Ray

An Important Message from Fr. Ray

Several weeks ago, I formed a Search Committee to help me choose a new Principal for our School. The Committee consisted of our School Supervisor, a Principal of a Catholic Grade School, the President of our School Board and a parent from …
Fr. Kevin Schindler-McGraw, OFM Conv.

A Lenten Journey through the Gospel Accounts

The Passion of Christ: A Lenten Journey through the Gospel Accounts, presented by Fr. Kevin Schindler-McGraw, OFM Conv Got Lent? Or if you’ve got it, how is your Lenten journey going? Join Fr. Kevin this Monday, March 12th through Friday, March 17th …