Our Lady of Guadalupe Catholic Community has been blessed being under the administration of the Conventual Franciscan Fathers (working under the Archdiocese of Los Angeles) since 1957. This tradition continues today with our current Pastor, Fr. Paul.

Reverend Paul Gawlowski, OFM Conv.
Friar Paul joined the Conventual Franciscans after getting to know the friars as a Parishioner of Our Lady of Guadalupe Parish in Hermosa Beach, CA. He was working as an Electrical Engineer in the Aereospace industry at the time. As a friar he has; served as a teacher of Religion and Physics at Bishop Montgomery High School in Torrance, CA., received his MDiv at the Jesuit School of Theology at Berkeley CA, has served as Social Outreach Director, Associate, and Pastor of St. Paul of the Shipwreck Church in San Francisco, and as Associate Pastor at Our Lady of Grace in Castro Valley CA. His most memorable ministries were; founding and managing the Sister Thea Bowman Food Pantry, the After School Sports and Arts Academy, and community organizing for homeless housing, and anti-violence especially through street vigils. It was as a pastor that he learned to love administering the sacraments, preaching, teaching, and pastoral ministry. Friar Paul is an advocate of the New Evangelization and enjoys sports and music in his leisure time.

Reverend Carlos Morales, OFM Conv.
Associate Pastor
Friar Carlos Morales Rojas was born at Alajuela, Costa Rica. He entered the Friars at Tegucigalpa, Honduras, in 1983. Fr. Carlos has served twice as the Custos of Central American Custody. During this time, he worked to maintain strong community ties, in a diverse and international jurisdiction. He has also served as the Vocation Director for Central America, and as an Associate in Parishes. In 2013, he came to the United States to assist the friars of our Province in ministry at our Our Lady of Guadalupe Parish.
Friars In-Residence
Rev. Peter Mallin, OFM Conv.
Rev. Marek Stybor, OFM Conv.
Rev. Joseph Kim, OFM Conv.