May God’s Peace, which is beyond all understanding, be with you and your family in this time of grief.
From the Friars and Staff, our condolences to you and your family for your loss. Trust in our Risen Lord!
To plan a funeral here at Our Lady of Guadalupe, contact the parish office, to set up an appointment with a priest or staff member. We understand that planning a funeral can be overwhelming, especially while grieving. On this page, you will find a form meant to help, not add to your feeling of being overwhelmed. Anything you cannot fill out, or do not understand, do not worry about, you can ask the Parish Staff when you talk to them in person.
The forms are meant to help both you, and us, plan a funeral worthy of your Loved One. They contain information needed for our records, to help the Priest be a better minister, and to help plan the funeral liturgy. To help you plan the funeral, you may wish to consider the following.
Funeral Planning
Select this to download the Funeral Planning Sheet and Suggested Readings
Scripture Selections
You have the option to choose the Scripture Readings. If some stand out as readings that are appropriate we invite you to select them. If nothing speaks to you, the priest would be happy to select them for you. Each Mass contains a First (or Old Testament) reading. Select any one reading from the suggested readings labeled C1 thru C7 outside of Easter Time, or C8-C11 during Easter Time (Easter time is the 5 weeks following Easter Day). The Responsorial Psalm is usually sung, and hence usually suggested by the Music Director, but you may talk about any of the options D1 – D10 suggested. The funeral Mass also contains a second reading (from the New Testament). Choose any one reading of the suggested readings labeled E1 – E15. Likewise, choose one Gospel reading among the suggested ones labeled G1 – G19.
Many families enjoy the opportunity for a family member to proclaim a reading.
Typically, different persons are chosen to read the First and Second readings. (The Priest or Deacon will read the Gospel). There is space on page 4 to list family members who will proclaim the readings. Please share with them the text of the reading you choose, so they may practice before the Funeral. (On the day of the Funeral the readings will be on the Ambo, or pulpit. It looks much better if they rely on that, rather than carry a copy of the reading with them to the Ambo.)
Gift Bearers
During the preparation of the altar, you may wish to designate two people to bring up the bread and wine for the offertory. Many families like to have family members involved in this manner, especially children and grandchildren.
Remarks of Remembrance – optional
You may wish to have a family member share a few words about the life of the deceased, especially from a faith perspective. This is usually done after the reception of Holy Communion. Please ask the person to be brief, between one and three minutes. Additional sharing is meant to be either at the vigil before or at the reception after the Funeral Mass.
Music Selections
Page 4 also asks you to suggest songs, and there is a list of suggested songs on page 5. If you are thinking of other songs not on the list, talk with the Music Director.
Additional Things to Consider
Many families choose to make a program and have copies available for those who attend the funeral. Your mortuary may have samples and a service to help you put this together. Additionally, our office can show you some samples. Some families like to have pictures and flowers in the Church. Please contact us with any questions.
Church Office: [email protected]
Music: [email protected]