Young Adult 6:30 WoW Choir Retreat!
All confirmed high school & college students interested in joining our music ministry are invited to a special retreat on Wednesday, August 15th beginning at 1:00pm. In addition to the spiritual growth activities, the choir will also prepare to sing for the Mass of the Assumption at 7:00pm that evening. We will gather in the church at 1:00 – please dress comfortably, but appropriate for mass. We will have dinner together in the Parish Hall during the retreat. The retreat will finish with the close of mass. Please RSVP by August 13th to [email protected] – you may also direct any questions to the music office as well.
OLG Wee Children’s Choir is back!!!
We are very pleased to announce the OLG Wee Choir is returning and will be under the direction of Ms. Angélica Hernández. She has been choir leader of the 6:30pm Young Adult WoW Choir and is now the new 7th grade teacher at OLG School this year! Ms. Hernández is excited to share her love of music ministry and knowledge of liturgy with the children of the parish. There are many changes taking place within our Religious Education program and the OLG Wee Choir will be an essential part of the experience. The mass they will sing coincides with the new Saturday format for the family catechism. Once a month, the family attends classes followed by the 5:00pm mass where the children will sing. Children in Kindergarten through 5th grade are invited to join and the first rehearsal will be on Wednesday, August 22nd at 3:15pm in the church. A schedule for rehearsals and masses will be provided at the first rehearsal. Hope to see many of our children join us!