"God loves a cheerful giver."

2 Corinthians 9:7

Thank You For Your Financial Contributions!

Giving is a declaration that God is the supplier of everything. God gives to you so He can give through you. Your offering to Our Lady of Guadalupe makes a difference within our parish and throughout our local community. The best way to support our ministry is to choose to give online with a Recurring Donation.

Donate Online Without Setting Up An Account

  1. Click the below Donate Online button to access our secure giving form.
  2. The giving form provides drop down menus to select:
  • Where you would like your donation directed (see Giving Options below for further information)
  • Direct donation to multiple funds by selecting “Add Gift to Another Fund”
  • The frequency of your donation (One-Time or Recurring donation)*
  • Method of payment (Credit Card or ACH bank transfer)

* To stop or change a recurring donation, email us at [email protected] or click 'create account' located at bottom of the giving form.

New Account Set Up and/or Existing Accounts*

If you are new to online giving, please click the below link to set up a BREEZE account.

Access BREEZE Giving Account*

If you created an online giving account before May 1, 2021, it was in our prior software. Click this link to access your giving account.

If you have questions or need assistance accessing your online giving account, please contact the Parish office 310-372-7077

* An account allows you to store payment info, manage giving, see giving history, manage your parish registration data, and much more.

Have You Considered Tithing?

To tithe at 10% or another amount you prayerfully choose makes giving an offering of our “First Fruits” to God, and not our left overs (Gen 28:22, Dt 26:1-10). It tells God (and ourselves) that God is first in our life. Many testify to the spiritual and material benefits of tithing.

Giving Options

The most common designation for online giving is our regular collection. Your donations to the regular collection help us sustain our church and its operations. However, there are many other ministries and programs, both at Our Lady of Guadalupe and beyond, that can benefit from your online donations.

Please click on the blue category boxes below for information about all the giving options to which you can direct your online donations.

Church Fund Descriptions

Dedicating a specific gift to an OLG fund or ministries is available on our Online Giving form. Below is a description for each one.

The Niland Fund
The Niland Fund was established by Billyanna Niland in 1998 (“Niland Trust”). Per Mrs. Niland’s instructions funds are to be used for “the education fund for needy children” at Our Lady of Guadalupe (OLG) Catholic Church (“Parish”).  Consistent with the charter of the trust, the Niland Trust Board of Directors works with the OLG Pastor and school Principal to identify families whose children are attending OLG School and would benefit from a tuition scholarship, tuition assistance and/or emergency funding.  Gifts to this fund are strongly encouraged so that we can continue to help future generations of OLG families and students through the loving generosity of others.

Our Maintenance Fund
Contributions to this essential fund helps keep our facilities safe and maintained.

Building Fund
Contributions to this fund are used for new building projects, or non-maintenance building additions/renovations.

Hand N Hand Ministry
Contributions to this ministry help families in need of monthly groceries. Additionally, we do consider additional needs families may bring to us under emergency situations. A group of our volunteers meet to assess the needs of those receiving benefits and consider the best use of our financial resources.

Religious Education Ministry
Contributions to this ministry help our Religious Education program with needs beyond those covered by program fees paid by each participant family. Also, these funds may be used for tuition assistance to families in need.

Confirmation Ministry
Contributions to this ministry help our Confirmation program with needs beyond those covered by program fees paid by each participant family. Also, these funds may be used for tuition assistance to families in need.

Youth Ministry
Contributions to this ministry help our Youth program with needs beyond those covered by any program fees paid by a participant family. Also, these funds may be used for tuition assistance to families in need.

Choir Ministry
Contributions to this ministry assist our Music Ministry program with needs other than salaries or musician compensation. For example donations may be used for sound equipment, musical instruments, and workshops.

Flowers Donation
Contributions to this fund help keep our Church beautiful!

OLG School Donation
An unrestricted donation helps our OLG Catholic School Ministry.

Franciscan Vietnam Mission
Donations to this cause are sent directly to the Conventual Franciscans of California dedicated to the support of the Franciscan Vietnam Mission.  See more about the mission

Poor Box Donation
Donations and funds from the poor box in the church to benefit selected charities in the community. For example, in a prior year we gave to House of Yahweh in Lawndale, CA.

Contributions to evangelization will be used to spread the Word of God to all nations, starting here in the South Bay community. From parish book programs to Formed.Org membership and welcome events that introduce the community to the teachings and church of Jesus Christ, evangelization funds will be used to share our faith.

Men’s Group Ministry
Contributions to this ministry will be used to support authentic male leadership in our parish through prayer, service, and fellowship.  Specifically, funds will be used to promote the group, host welcome events, support other ministries and needs of the parish, and provide opportunities for men to grow in their faith.

Called to Renew (CTR)
This is a campaign run by the Archdiocese of Los Angeles in all parishes to raise money for the capital improvements (maintenence or other essential building projects) for all the parishes of the Archdiocese. 50% of each donation goes to the Archdiocese to be used in other churches, and 50% of your donation remains at Our Lady of Guadalupe to help with our Evangelization ministries and other purposes as per our case statement.  More information coming shortly.


To dedicate your gift to one of these funds or ministries, click here.

Special Collections

Seasonal and Archdiocesan Second Collections
Each year in Church we take up seasonal collections for Holy Day collections and a series of second collections organized by the Archdiocese to support causes beyond our parish.  You may give to these collections by clicking on the below links:

Holy Day Collections

All Saints
All Souls
Ash Wednesday
Christmas Collection
Easter Collection
Good Friday for Holy Land
Holy Thursday
Immaculate Conception
Solemnity of Mary

Second Collections

Cardinal McIntyre Fund for Charity
Catholic Campaign for Human Development
Catholic Relief Services
Mission Co-Op (all missions promoted by ADLA by annual guest)
National Needs Combined Collection
Peter’s Pence for Holy Father
Propagation of the Faith (World Mission Sunday)
Retirement for Religious

Mass Intentions

To make a donation for an already scheduled Mass Intention, click here.

Sacramental Donation

To make a donation on the occasion of an already scheduled Sacrament (e.g. Wedding, Funeral, Quinceañera, Baptism, or other.), click here.

Giving Opportunities Beyond Our Church

These organizations are recommended by our Social Justice Committee where we can give to make a difference in our greater community and world. Click on the logo to learn more about each organization.




If you prefer to use PayPal to make your online donation to our church click here.

Perhaps the easiest way to give a one-time donation to the church’s general collection is by text. To get started, text the amount you want to give to 424-360-2500. With your first donation, you will receive a link to enter your payment information.

After that, simply text the amount you want to give and that is it! This is a great way to supplement your online recurring donation.

The 2022-2023 OLG Fiscal Year Highlights are available to download in the below documents.