Webmaster Archive

Safeguard the Children Training

Safeguard the Children Training

If you are working with or around minors in the Catholic Church in the parish, sports, clubs, or school settings, you are required by the archdiocese to attend the 3 hour Safeguard the Children class. Most who attend find the information useful on how to protect our …
Did You Know?

Did You Know?

Talking to your kids about cell phone safety. The more advanced cellular devices become, the more functions they have available. Sending pictures over the Internet is something that children do all the time. Photo-messaging on cell phones is no different. Children need to be aware why all pictures are …
OLG Preschool Update

OLG Preschool Update

We Hatched! We Opened on August 21 after 8 months, 12 sets of fingerprints, 125 pages of documentation for our license, and…..ALL OF YOUR PRAYERS AND DONATIONS! Thank you again for all that you have done; from egg cartons to trikes. Each one of these gifts are …
Music Ministry Updates

Music Ministry Updates

Young Adult 6:30 WoW Choir Retreat! All confirmed high school & college students interested in joining our music ministry are invited to a special retreat on Wednesday, August 15th beginning at 1:00pm. In addition to the spiritual growth activities, the choir will also prepare to sing for the Mass of the Assumption …
OLG Sports Summer Camps

OLG Sports Summer Camps

OLG Sports summer camps are coming up soon!  Please register by downloading flyer (see below) and turning into school office.  Girls OLG volleyball starts when school begins so it’d be great to get a start on the season with Coach Juris and …
End of the Year Farewell Luau

OLG School: Luau

Join us to wish Mrs. Hunt and Mrs. Carey our very best in this End of the Year Farewell Luau. PTC Board has booked two food trucks: Ragin Cajun and The Garbage Truck who will come at no cost to the event …
Father’s Day Novena

Father’s Day Novena

June 17, 2012, is Father’s Day. Often times our Fathers need our prayers. Fathers are entrusted with our care. They are called upon to be the best of teachers. Our prayers for them help them in this God-given task. One of the most beneficial prayers is that of the Novena. Beginning June 17th and concluding eight days later there …
Some thoughts from Fr. Ray

Some thoughts from Fr. Ray

Today, we celebrate the Feast of the Ascension. Like Easter, this day should rekindle in your heart the Hope that is within you. Christ, not only rose from the dead, but has ascended to Heaven. Where He has gone, we Hope one day to …