(Discover Christ) helped build community and facilitated my official returning to the Catholic Church after a 20+ years Protestant sojourn. – Juan

What are you looking for…come and see. John 1:38-39

Step into the Discover Christ Experience

Discovering Christ is a seven-week experience where anyone and everyone, is invited to hear the Good News and personally encounter Jesus Christ.

In Discover Christ we explore life’s biggest questions:
• How did we get here? Is life random or is there a God creator?
• Who is Jesus? A good man or God?
• Why did he die? How does he “save us” and from what does he save us?
• Is Jesus God? If so, what does that mean for my life?
• Who is the Holy Spirit?
• What is the Church?

During this experience,  our weekly sessions include a meal, a small group discussion, praise & worship music/prayer time, and teaching. There is also a one-day retreat during Discover Christ.

The 2024 Discover Christ Session concluded in March. OLG will offer the Discover experience again.

Would you like us to contact you when registration for Discover is available? Click here to provide your contact info.

Doy gracias por estas clases del Discipulado porque en lo personal me han ayudado mucho para ser mas constante en la oracion y saber que Dios siempre esta a mi lado y camina conmigo y asi e podido madurar mas en mi fe. – Tere

Descubre a Cristo es para cualquiera que busque explorar las preguntas más importantes de la vida:
• ¿Cómo llegamos aquí? ¿La vida es aleatoria o hay un Dios creador?
• ¿Quién es Jesús? ¿Un buen hombre o Dios?
• ¿Por qué murió? ¿Cómo nos “salva” y de qué nos salva?
• ¿Es Jesús Dios? Si es así, ¿qué significa eso para mi vida?
• ¿Quién es el Espíritu Santo?
• ¿Qué es la Iglesia?

Para más información acerca de Descubrir a Cristo y las fechas de la próxima sesión por favor haga click aquí

Before, my prayer life was in the morning, pretty rushed.  Now, I also pray at lunch time but with scripture and allowing myself time to listen to God’s word.  It’s been very meaningful, and I started to share this experience with some coworkers!  – Laura

I’ve learned a lot about Jesus and the Holy Spirit, the beauty and gift of the sacraments, and how to grow as an intentional disciple of Jesus.   Jeanne-Marie

Prayer For Evangelization

“Evangelization” comes from the root word “Gospel” (Good News), and Jesus calls for Evangelization (Mk 16:15-16).  At Our Lady of Guadalupe Parish, we answer Jesus’ call for evangelization by praying first.  We encourage all to be united through prayer and ask everyone to pray the Prayer of Evangelization as we step into Evangelization, and journey together this Discipleship Pathway to Discover, Follow and Share Jesus Christ.

View the OLG Evangelization Prayer Card 

“Whatever you ask in prayer with faith, you will receive.” Matthew 21:22

Discipleship Resources

Explore more about what it means to be a disciple and the characteristics of a missionary disciple. View Discipleship Resources