⁃ Guided by the Holy Spirit, seeks to discern and follow God’s will in all things.
⁃ Seeks ongoing conversion and transformation in Christ.
⁃ Is nourished by the sacraments frequently, especially Sunday Eucharist.
⁃ Has a daily prayer routine that includes listening to God, dwelling in God’s presence, and prayer with scripture.
⁃ Studies, knows, and applies Scripture to daily life.
⁃ Practices and can explain basic Catholic beliefs using scripture and tradition.
⁃ Seeks to discern and live their vocation, especially by sharing charisms and gifts of the Holy Spirit.
⁃ Fervently desires [and prays] to expand the Kingdom of God.
⁃ Shares the Gospel message with others, especially the Kerygma.
⁃ Shares their personal faith journey and how Jesus has changed their life.
⁃ Guides others on the path of discipleship, especially by praying with them, and inviting them to events.
⁃ Gets involved with and supports the physical and spiritual needs of others and the parish.


⁃ Guiado por el Espíritu Santo, busca discernir y seguir la voluntad de Dios en todas las cosas.
⁃ Busca la conversión y transformación continua en Cristo. ⁃ Se nutre con frecuencia de los sacramentos, especialmente de la Eucaristía dominical.
⁃ Tiene una rutina diaria de oración que incluye escuchar a Dios, estar o contemplar la presencia de Dios y orar con las Escrituras.
⁃ Estudia, conoce y aplica las Escrituras a la vida diaria.
⁃ Practica y puede explicar lo basico de las creencias católicas utilizando las Escrituras y la tradición.
⁃ Busca discernir y vivir su vocación, especialmente compartiendo carismas y dones del Espíritu Santo.
⁃ Desea fervientemente [y ora] para expandir el Reino de Dios.
⁃ Comparte el mensaje del Evangelio con otros, especialmente el Kerygma (proclamar).
⁃ Comparte su viaje de fe personal y cómo Jesús ha cambiado su vida.
⁃ Guía a otros en el camino del discipulado, especialmente orando con ellos e invitándolos a eventos.
⁃ Se involucra y apoya las necesidades físicas y espirituales de los demás y de la parroquia.

What it means to be a Disciple

How could the God who made this vast universe really know each of us by name and have a relationship with each one of us that depends on how we respond? It is mind-boggling and awesome, but it is what Jesus promises and what many have experienced. In this homily, Fr, Paul, explains the first step of becoming a disciple is to have a life-changing encounter with the risen Lord. 


Fr. Paul explains faith isn’t first about our practices, rather it’s first about what God has done for us, and religion is a response to that. It’s really all about GOLF: God Offers Love First, and then we respond by serving him and following His teachings.  So passing on the faith, or evangelizing, is praying for and inviting someone to experience the miracle of encountering God’s Love, in response we will want to learn more, practice more, follow more, and share more, of their faith.

For those who wish to Travel Further on the Pathway, or Travel on your own Time.

We offer the Pathway to Discipleship regularly for anyone to grow deeper in their relationship with Jesus Christ. But what if you as an individual want to move closer to Christ at your own pace? Or you wish to continue with your pathway group to go deeper, or if you want to form a group? We have gathered some addition experiences and resources to help.

Prayer For Evangelization

“Evangelization” comes from the root word “Gospel” (Good News), and Jesus calls for Evangelization (Mk 16:15-16).  At Our Lady of Guadalupe Parish, we answer Jesus’ call for evangelization by praying first.  We encourage all to be united through prayer and ask everyone to pray the Prayer of Evangelization as we step into Evangelization, and journey together this Discipleship Pathway to Discover, Follow and Share Jesus Christ.

View the OLG Evangelization Prayer Card 

“Whatever you ask in prayer with faith, you will receive.” Matthew 21:22