At Our Lady of Guadalupe, we are called by God, filled with the Holy Spirit,
Welcoming all to Discover, Follow and Share Jesus Christ.

A Pathway to Discipleship

No matter where you are in your faith journey we invite you to grow deeper in your relationship with Jesus Christ on the Pathway to Discipleship.

The pathway to discipleship is a series of the following three experiences

DISCOVER CHRIST explores life’s biggest questions.

Was I created?
Why is there good and evil in this world?
What’s the point of it all?
Who is Jesus?
Do I need to be rescued?

For more information about the Discover Christ experience and dates for the upcoming session, click here

DESCUBRIR A CRISTO es para cualquiera que busque explorar las preguntas más importantes de la vida:

• ¿Sabes para qué fuiste creado?
• ¿Por qué existe lo bueno y lo malo en este mundo?
• ¿ Cual es el sentido de todo esto?
• ¿Quién es Jesús?
• ¿Necesito ser rescatado?

Explore más sobre la experiencia Descubre a Cristo y las fechas de la próxima sesión, haga clic aquí

Follow Christ is for anyone seeking a connection with God, leaning into who Jesus is.

For more information about the Follow Christ experience and dates for the upcoming session, click here

Seguir a Cristo es una experiencia cualquier persona que busque una conexión con Dios, apoyándose, en quién es Jesús. 

Explore más sobre la experiencia Seguir a Cristo y las fechas de la próxima sesión, haga clic aquí

Share Christ focuses on the art of spiritual accompaniment to help you share Jesus more effectively with others, e.g. friends, family, and coworkers. This includes practical experiences such as:
• Recognizing the stages of another’s spiritual journey through compassionate listening
• Talking about our own relationship with God
Sharing how we became a disciple of Jesus
• Listen lovingly to the real questions and opinions others have about God in order to guide the discovery of how God is present and active in a person’s life

Explore more about the Share Christ experience and dates for the upcoming session, click here

Compartir Cristo se centra en el arte del acompañamiento espiritual para ayudarle a compartir a Jesús de manera más efectiva con los demás, p. amigos, familiares y compañeros de trabajo. Esto incluye experiencias prácticas como:
• Reconocer las etapas del viaje espiritual de otra persona a través de la escucha compasiva
• Hablar de nuestra propia relación con Dios
Compartiendo cómo nos convertimos en discípulos de Jesús
• Escuchar con amor las preguntas y opiniones reales que otros tienen sobre Dios para guiar el descubrimiento de cómo Dios está presente y activo en la vida de una persona.

Explore más sobre la experiencia Compartir Cristo y las fechas de la próxima sesión, haga clic aquí

“The fire and love in my heart for Jesus was lit during the Discover series. During the Follow series, it tested my faith and patience through learning how to pray through the Gospels. I feel that I am becoming stronger each day that I’m disciplined and make time to pray in this way. – Edward

Doy gracias por estas clases del Discipulado porque en lo personal me han ayudado mucho para ser mas constante en la oracion y saber que Dios siempre esta a mi lado y camina conmigo y asi e podido madurar mas en mi fe.” – Tere

“One of my table mates made an analogy that as “Cradle Catholics” it’s like we just tread water, and this experience has helped us go into deeper water. – Amy

The Pathway to Discipleship has made a huge, positive impact on my spiritual life. I’ve learned a lot about Jesus and the Holy Spirit, the beauty and gift of the sacraments, and how to grow as an intentional disciple of Jesus. Along this pathway, I have developed many friendships with members of our church community.   – Jeanne-Marie

Prayer For Evangelization

“Evangelization” comes from the root word “Gospel” (Good News), and Jesus calls for Evangelization (Mk 16:15-16).  At Our Lady of Guadalupe Parish, we answer Jesus’ call for evangelization by praying first.  We encourage all to be united through prayer and ask everyone to pray the Prayer of Evangelization as we step into Evangelization, and journey together this Discipleship Pathway to Discover, Follow and Share Jesus Christ.

View the OLG Evangelization Prayer Card 

“Whatever you ask in prayer with faith, you will receive.” Matthew 21:22

Follow Christ Praise & Worship