Webmaster Archive

Hope for the Philippines – Tshirt Fundraiser

Hope for the Philippines – Tshirt Fundraiser

You can purchase a T-shirts to help victims of Typhoon Haiyan in the Philippines. The shirts come in black, gray and navy blue. Adult sizes S/M/L for $12 each. Kids sizes 6-8, 10-12, 14- 16 for $10 each. You can purchase them at the school office during …
From Fr. Ray

From Fr. Ray

Please plan to join in the celebration of Our Lady of Guadalupe – December 12th. The Schedule of Masses will be Midnight, 8:00AM and 7:00PM. Bishop Alex will join us for the Mananitas and Mass at Midnight. Bishop Joe will be with us for the 7:00PM Mass. …
The Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe

The Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe

The feast of our patroness is almost here. This year the Feast is on Thursday, December 12th. Our parish community will celebrate with a serenade to Our Lady (Mañanitas) on Wednesday, December 11 beginning with a procession at 10:30PM from the parish hall to our Church. Followed by Mass with Bishop Alex Salazar. Mass will also …
OLG Students Attend Christian Service 4Life Rally

OLG Students Attend Christian Service 4Life Rally

Fifty-five OLG Students attended the Christian Service Service 4Life rally at Home Depot Center last October 9th, 2013. Christian Service 4Life presented by LIFEsocal and the Los Angeles Archdiocese’s Office of Life, Justice and Peace was a cornerstone of this year’s national Respect Life Week. The half-day …
From Our Pastor

From Our Pastor

Recently we celebrated several Franciscan Feasts. Sept. 17th was the Feast of the Stigmata of St. Francis. Then on the 18th, we celebrated the Feast of St. Joseph of Cupertino, one of the Patron Saints of OLG Church. On Oct. 4th, we …
Thank you From the Parish Food Drive

Thank you From the Parish Food Drive

Many thanks for your generosity in contributing to our parish Food Drive last weekend. We appreciate those who donated food and money, those who shopped for milk, produce, tortillas, and non- perishable food with the donated money; and those who volunteered to …
Take up and Read Scripture Study

Take up and Read Scripture Study

St. Jerome held that ignorance of scripture is ignorance of Christ. If you feel called to know Christ better, consider participating in the Take Up and Read scripture study at OLG. You can find more information about our group here.
The Seal of the Franciscan Order

The Seal of the Franciscan Order

The seal of the Franciscan Order depicts two arms place over the cross of Christ. The bare arm of Jesus on the cross; the robed arm represents the arm of St. Francis of Assisi. The placement of both arms together represents St. Francis’ ardent desire to more fully unite himself with the …