Webmaster Archive

The Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe

The Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe

The Feast of our patroness Our Lady of Guadalupe is right around the corner. This year the Feast is on Friday, December 12th. Our Parish community will celebrate with Mañanitas for Our Lady of Guadalupe at 10PM on Thursday, December 11th with Rosary and Mariachis at midnight. Mass will also be celebrated on Friday December 12th at …
Save the Date – OLG Kindergarten Info Night

Save the Date – OLG Kindergarten Info Night

OLG Kindergarten and Transitional Kindergarten (TK) Information Night, Tuesday, January 20th 6:30PM in the parish hall. Pencil this date in, and share with your friends who have children who may need to attend Kindergarten or Transitional Kindergarten.
Give the Gift of a Mass

Give the Gift of a Mass

The practice of giving Mass cards for the living is a wonderful tradition of the church. Giving the gift of a Mass is a wonderful way to celebrate a variety of occasions in the lives of your family and friends. Please call Jodi at the parish office for more …
Safeguard our Children: Internet Lingo

Safeguard our Children: Internet Lingo

Knowing Internet lingo can help parents safeguard children. Online chat rooms, instant messaging systems, and even cell phones equipped to send text messages are environments rich in abbreviations, acronyms, and other shorthand that help increase the speed of communication. Parents need to become aware of some of the common lingo that is …
From Our Principal

From Our Principal

School has only been back in session for several weeks yet so much has already happened. We had our first Back to School Ice Cream Sunday, ran Student Council elections, formed Flag football teams, girls Volleyball teams, and our choirs have started practicing again. We’ve welcomed new families, enjoyed Mariachi night, held our …
Archdiocesan Council of Catholic Women

Archdiocesan Council of Catholic Women

The Southwestern District of the Archdiocesan Council of Catholic women will have a District Meeting on Tuesday, September 23, 2014 at Nativity parish, 1447 Engracia Ave, Torrance. The day begins at 9:30AM and includes speaker, Rev. Stephen Davoren, speaking on “Finding God’s Grace in the Sacrament of the Present …