Webmaster Archive

Celebration of the First Scrutiny

Celebration of the First Scrutiny

On Sunday, Feb 29th, 2016 at the 9:45AM Mass we join our Elect and Candidates in hearing the story of Jesus’ encounter with the Samaritan woman at the well. Together we will identify our thirst for living water, name what prevents us …
OLG Bundle Sunday

OLG Bundle Sunday

Back by popular demand, and those doing their “Spring Cleaning,” Our Lady of Guadalupe Church and the St. Vincent DePaul Organization will be sponsoring a Bundle Sunday on Sunday, March 25, 2012. That means that your have a little more than 2 …
Thank you from Casino Night!

Thank you from Casino Night!

The Casino Night committee would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who helped make the Casino Night such a huge success. We would especially like to thank all the sponsors for their generous donations to the tables and to the individuals who donated raffle prizes and of …
Mother-Son Laser Tag

Mother-Son Laser Tag

Mothers, shoot your son. Sons, shoot your mother… But not quite! Join us for a fun evening of Mother-Son Laser Tag on Friday, March 2, 2012 from 6:00pm – 9:00pm. $35 per couple (+ $10 per additional son) with the proceeds to …
OLG School Sports

OLG School Sports Hoodies

Support OLG School by purchasing a (cool) hooded sweatshirt. At only $20 for Children sizes and $25 for Adults ($30 for Adult 2xl – 4xl sizing), this sweatshirt will not only keep you nice and toasty but proceeds will directly help the …
KoC Fish Fry

KoC Fish Fry

Knights of Columbus Council 1990 Annual Fish Fry’s. Friday, March 2, March 16, and March 30. From 5-8PM at 214 Avenue I in Redondo Beach. Adults (13 and up) $11, Children (5-12) $5. Tickets available at the door.
Casino Night

Casino Night

OLG is hosting a Casino Night! — There will be tables for Blackjack, Roulette, Craps and a tournament of Texas Hold’em Poker. Join us on Saturday, February 11, 2012 from 6pm – 10pm at the Parish Hall. Sorry, you must be 21 …
3rd Annual OLG Golf Tournament

3rd Annual OLG Golf Tournament

Support your parish with a fun golf tournament! Friday, March 23 @ 12:30PM Shotgun Skylinks Golf Course (map) Long Beach, California The fee is $175/person and includes 18 holes of Golf, plus: Lunch, Dinner, Gift bags and a chance to win at …