Webmaster Archive

The Paschal Mystery Tour

The Paschal Mystery Tour

The Paschal Mystery Tour is coming to take you away….! Please join us for a special evening of music, faith and prayer with the man who has been the biggest influence in Catholic music since Vatican II “opened the windows of the church let the Holy …
La Verna Lenten Retreat– Vocation Event

La Verna Lenten Retreat– Vocation Event

Bring Passion to your life! Come to La Verna with St. Francis and experience the Passion of Christ March 1-3, 2013 at St. Joseph of Cupertino Friary in Arroyo Grande, CA RSVP to Fr. Tom by February 22. Fr. Thomas Czeck, OFM Conv. 20885 Redwood Rd …
OLG School – Hawaii Raffle

OLG School – Hawaii Raffle

The annual Hawaiian Raffle tickets will be on sale in the school and parish office from 8AM – 3PM and after every Mass this weekend. The drawing will be on Tuesday, February 12th. Winner need not be present. Tickets are $2 each sold or $20 for a …
BOX TOPS Submission Deadline

BOX TOPS Submission Deadline

A message from Patricia Kumagai, your OLG Box Tops Coordinator. It’s Box Tops submission time! I’ll be sending in all the Box Tops we’ve collected by March 1st. Our goal this year is to earn $1,000. I’ll collect all the Box Tops on …
Kelly Hales Annual Golf Tournament

Kelly Hales Annual Golf Tournament

Mark Your Calendars for Friday, March 22nd for the OLG Kelly Hales Memorial Golf Tournament at Skylinks Golf Course in Long Beach. 12:45PM Shotgun. $175 per player includes round of golf, lunch and Dinner. Numerous raffle prizes and a silent auction. Look for a flyer and sign ups …
February’s Senior Luncheon

February’s Senior Luncheon

The Senior Lunch for February will be on Thursday, February 21st at Noon. There will not be a Mass before the luncheon, but there will be delicious lunch, raffle and 50/50. Please RSVP to Bridie at (310) 488-4809
Catholic Schools Week

Catholic Schools Week

We are bringing Catholic Schools Week to a close. Historically, Catholic Schools began as an instrument to teach our Catholic Faith to our children. At that time, public schools were teaching religion, often times a religion that was contrary to our Catholic Faith. While teaching of …
OLG School Kindergarten Information Night

OLG School Kindergarten Information Night

If you are considering enrolling your kindergartener for the 2013-14 school year, please join us on Tuesday, January 22nd at 6:30PM in the Parish Hall. We would love to share our developmentally appropriate approach to a faith-based, inclusive education. Even if you have only just started considering Our Lady of Guadalupe …