Webmaster Archive

Walk for Life, Saturday, May 18, 2013

Walk for Life, Saturday, May 18, 2013

Leave Your Footprint! The Pregnancy Help Center in Torrance holds their 26th annual WALK FOR LIFE on Saturday May 18th at 8:30am, at Veteran’s Park, Redondo Beach. Please come out and walk, join a team or show support by sponsoring walkers. Sign up or donate today online http://www.ministrysync.com/event/?e=6078. For more info, …
Senior Luncheon

Senior Luncheon

Mark your calendars NOW for the next Active Older Adult Senior Luncheon, Thursday, April 18, 2013 at Noon in the Parish hall. Bring your friends, neighbors, aunts , uncles and come enjoy a delicious feast and raffles. Suggested donation is $5. Please call Bridie Ramirez to RSVP at (310) 488-4809
4th Annual Kelly Hales Golf Tournament

4th Annual Kelly Hales Golf Tournament

Please join us for the 4th Annual Kelly Hales Golf Tournament which benefits the OLG School and Parish. The Tournament will be held on Friday, March 22nd 2013 at 12:45 PM (Shotgun start) at the Skylinks Golf Course in Long Beach, CA. This …
The Parish food Drive Needs your Help

The Parish food Drive Needs your Help

The Hand’N’Hand Food Drive began over 20 years ago. The Food Drive occurs the third Sunday of every month. The recipients of the Food Drive are registered parishioners of Our Lady of Guadalupe church. We occasionally evaluate their status, and add or remove families as needed. We …
OLG Bundle Sunday

OLG Bundle Sunday

Back by popular demand, and those doing their “Spring Cleaning,” Our Lady of Guadalupe Church and the St. Vincent DePaul Organization will be sponsoring a Bundle Sunday on Sunday, April 14, 2013. So now is the time start bundling up all those clothes you will never …