Webmaster Archive

A Few Thoughts from Fr. Ray

A Few Thoughts from Fr. Ray

On Oct. 4th, we celebrate the Feast of St. Francis. Our Lady of Guadalupe has been entrusted to the Conventual Franciscans, we are a Franciscan Church. Please pray for our Order and especially for the members of our local Conventual Franciscan Province of St. Joseph of Cupertino. I …
Congratulations Mary Causley!

Congratulations Mary Causley!

One of our own catechists, Mary Causley, received the Excellence in Catechesis Award, presented by Bishop Solis this weekend at the San Pedro Regional Congress. She became an OLG confirmation catechist 15 years ago, and has served in that capacity continuously since then. She approaches her ministry with the youth and with the adult …
October 6 is Respect Life Sunday

October 6 is Respect Life Sunday

“The Gospel of Life is at the Heart of Jesus’ message. Everyone has an obligation to serve life.” — Pope John Paul II The world urgently needs to hear and take to heart the message of the Gospel of Life that each and every human being …
Thank You From Parish Food Drive

Thank You From Parish Food Drive

Thank you for contributing to last week’s food drive. We were able to provide food to parishioners in 26 household, focusing on children, the elderly, and the disabled. We appreciate the work of our shoppers, who purchased nonperishable food, milk, tortillas, and produce, as well as those of you who …
From Fr. Ray

From Fr. Ray

Tuesday is the 38th Anniversary of the Martyrdom of our Conventual Franciscan brother, Fr. Casimir Cypher who ministered at OLG, before going to Central America. He was a martyr for our Faith in Honduras in 1975. His cause for canonization is now active. Once again we will have …
Did you Know?

Did you Know?

This summer, when your children are out of school on different schedules, are meeting new people and going to new places, make sure that you talk to them often about their experiences and the people they have met. Listen carefully to your children. If possible, observe …
A Few Thoughts from Fr. Ray

A Few Thoughts from Fr. Ray

Thanks to one and all for your work and support of our Fiesta. I’m writing you on the Monday after the Fiesta. Thank You to the many, many people who made it possible. It was the work of many hands. In fact this …