Share Christ is a 6-week workshop that focuses on the art of spiritual accompaniment to help you share Jesus more effectively with others, e.g. friends, family, and co-workers. It is on Fridays from 6:30-9:00 PM with a one-day Sunday retreat, and includes practical exercises such as:
• Recognizing the stages of another’s spiritual journey through compassionate listening
• Talking about our own relationship with God
• Sharing how we became a follower of Jesus
• Listen lovingly to real questions and opinions others may have about God in order to guide the discovery of how God is present and active in a person’s life
Share Christ Dates
Session 1: September 13, 6:30-9:00 PM
Session 2: September 20, 6:30-9:00 PM
Session 3: September 27, 6:30-9:00 PM
Session 4: October 4, 6:30-9:00 PM
All-Day Retreat: Sunday, October 13
Session 5: October 18, 6:30-9:00 PM
The Share Christ Experience that begins on September 13, 2024, has reached capacity.
Would you like us to put you on our waitlist to be contacted in case someone cancels? We can also contact you when there is registration for future Share Christ opportunities. Click here to provide your contact info.
Compartir a Cristo es un taller de 6 semanas que se enfoca en el arte del acompañamiento espiritual para ayudarte a compartir a Jesús de manera más efectiva con otros, p.e. amigos, familiares, compañeros de trabajo. La experiencia será los viernes de 6:30-9:00 pm y esto incluye experiencias prácticas como:
• Reconociendo las etapas del camino espiritual de otra persona a través de escuchar compasivamente
• Hablando acerca de nuestra propia relación con Dios
• Compartir cómo nos convertimos en seguidores de Jesús
• Escuchando amorosamente las preguntas y opiniones que otros tienen sobre Dios, para guiar el descubrimiento de cómo Dios está presente y activo en la vida de una persona.
La Experiencia Compartir a Cristo que comenzará el 13 de Septiembre de 2024 ha alcanzado su capacidad. Al completar este formulario, lo incluiremos en la lista de espera en caso de que alguien cancele su registro o le proporcionaremos las fechas de la próxima Experiencia Compartir a Cristo.
Haga click aquí para ser agregado a la lista de espera.
I believe the most important and beautiful thing we are called to do with our lives is to help others come to know that there is a personal God that loves them uniquely and eternally. – Christine
A mi el curso de Ananias fue algo que me ayudó por que aprendí a relacionarme más con Dios. – Jovita
Called by God, filled with the Holy Spirit, welcoming all to
Discover, Follow and Share Jesus Christ.
Llamados por Dios, llenos del Espíritu Santo, acogiendo a todos a
Descubrir, Seguir y Compartir a Jesucristo.
Our Pathway to Discipleship is a series of three experiences; Discover Christ, Follow Christ, and Share Christ, intended to help one no matter where they are in their faith journey to grow deeper in relationship with Jesus Christ. Explore more about our Pathway to Discipleship