Praise God for our faith in Jesus during the unpredictable pandemic storm. We have persevered and are glad to bring good tidings to the community about the reopening of the church with updated guidelines as we keep in mind the safety and wellbeing of our church members.
- Masks are strongly recommended, but no longer required for individuals ages 3 and above.
- We will not be asking for proof of vaccination.
- If you have COVID symptoms, please stay home.
- Liturgical singing is supported.
- All liturgical ministers including altar servers, lectors, extraordinary ministers will resume as usual in the celebration of the liturgy.
- Hand sanitation is available at all entries.
- Holy Communion on the hand is highly encouraged. We continue to only receive the Body, not the Blood of Christ.
- Masks are required for employees, Eucharistic Ministers, Ushers, Choir members, and Greeters at Mass.
- Live Mass can be heard in the car radio at 100.9 FM for the 5 PM Saturday Vigil Mass. Park your car close to the Hall if you want to receive Holy Communion. Look for the Eucharistic Minister to come out at communion time and help them see you.
- The Office is now open for visits Monday-Thursday from 8 AM-4 PM.
- All liturgical celebrations are allowed at full capacity without any “reservation systems” or social distancing.
The dispensation from the obligation to attend Sunday Mass and Holy Days of Obligations in response to the coronavirus has been lifted for the Catholic faithful of the Archdiocese of Los Angeles. Those who have serious and legitimate reasons (e.g., illness, underlying health conditions that renders them susceptible to illness, significate fears of becoming ill, etc.) are dispensed from the obligation to attend Sunday Mass and Holy Days of Obligations.
If there are more suggestions on how we can go forward, please do not hesitate to make suggestions to [email protected].
May Jesus, through the intercession of Blessed Mother Mary and St. Joseph, bless us with good health, peace, and joy.