May is Asian American Pacific Islander Month. In support of Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders, the OLG Social Justice Ministry will be leading a novena to pray for an end to violence and racism against Asians; for peace and justice; and for healing. In addition, this novena will recognize Laudato Si’ Week (May 17-24), consistent with the cause of environmental justice advocated in the Pope’s encyclical.
Starting on May 17th thru May 25th at 7:05 PM every evening for 9 days, we invite you to join us for the Novena in the church (on the weekdays) or via the OLG Facebook page or OLG YouTube channel. On Saturday,5/22, it will only be live-streamed on Facebook, and Sunday, 5/23, it will be live-streamed on Facebook and YouTube.
If you are interested in leading the novena one of the nights, please contact Jan Vega at [email protected].
Below (as a resource) is a statement from the Asian and Pacific Catholic Network expressing their solidarity with the victims of racial violence.