Our newly formed parish council, along with our parish staff, and other key leaders are working to develop a pastoral plan for the growth of our church in the coming years. This is an exciting time, filled with great opportunity! We are using a process called “Be My Witness” by Renew International, designed to help churches grow and become Mission oriented churches working to Evangelize those in our community and in our families and friends. This is a program developed to help parishes implement the New Evangelization called for by the last several popes. You were a big help in the first part of the assessment (survey’s 1 and 2).
Now we really need your help to finish, with part II, surveys 3, 4, and 5. Each survey will take only about 3 minutes, and there is plenty of room for you to add additional comments. We will read them all!!! Go to: Assessment to fill them out online! (or pick up an old fashioned paper copy in the back of church, and return to the box in church or the parish office.) Thank You!
Fr. Paul