The Surveys are now Closed. Thank You for your input. See the results below.

If you missed the surveys, but have ideas about how we can become a better church, please submit them using our SUGGESTION BOX (click on link). You may submit them anonymously if you wish.

Fr. Paul Explains the Theology behind this pastoral planning process in this homily.

Parish Assessments (for ages 18 and up)

God has given us the Holy Spirit to guide the Church.  But to discern that Spirit is the work of the whole church. As your pastor, I’ve recently established a parish council who together with my pastoral staff and other key leaders are developing a pastoral plan for our Church. Using a process designed by Renew International and successfully used in many growing churches in the U.S., we are seeking your input to help guide this process. We are asking that you tell us how you see our church by a series of five assessments available online or in paper form, in the areas of 1) Sunday Worship, 2) Sense of Welcome, 3) Sense of Belonging, 4) Witness and 5) Mission.  Each of these five assessments seeks your response to various statements, but also has an area for you to add your comments.  We need your input to more accurately assess our strengths and build on them, and to identify our weaknesses to strengthen them.  We are already a blessed Church, but I see that there is much room for growth, and I strongly believe God is asking us to; welcome more people, involve more of us, encourage the flame of zeal in us to witness and serve. Will you be a part of this process?  We are asking that you, and any members of your family 12 years or older, each respond to the assessments.

Respond to these assessments by clicking on the links below, or find hard copies in the back of the church, and in the church and school offices.


Assessments Part I: Due June 10th, 2019

Assessments 1 & 2 are complete. We have received 590 responses! Thank You for your input, now let us keep the momentum and complete Part II below!

Download results of Assessments 1 & 2:

Sunday Matters Results (2.1 MB)

Welcome Matters Results (2.1 MB)

Assessments Part II: Due July July 10th, 2019

Assessments Part II are now complete. Thank you for your help. Here are the results:

Belonging Matters Data & Comments (3.6 MB)

Witness Matters Data & Comments (2.7 MB)

Mission Matters Data & Comments (3.2 MB)

Sunday Matters Results
Sunday Matters Results
Version: 13.19
2.1 MB
Welcome Matters Results
Welcome Matters Results
2.1 MB
Witness Matters Data & Comments
Witness Matters Data & Comments
2.7 MB
Mission Matters Data & Comments
Mission Matters Data & Comments
3.2 MB