Ministry Updates Archive

Post-Election Virtual Healing Novena

NOV. 16TH THROUGH NOV. 24TH Please join us in the livestream: Our pastor, Fr. Paul, and the Social Justice Ministry would like to invite you to join us in a post-election virtual healing novena, the purpose of which is to repair …

Servant Leader Fellowship

Join other business leaders, entrepreneurs, and those who struggle to live their faith in the workplace and  in God even in business, for discussion, fellowship and prayer. Se Habla Espanol tambien!

RCIA Retreat 2019

In preparation to receive their sacraments, the RCIA Candidates and Catechumens along with the Team members attended a regional “Day of Prayerful Reflection for the Third Scrutiny: Raising of Lazarus” with Fr. Jack Stoeger on Saturday, April 6