At Our Lady of Guadalupe, we are called by God, filled with the Holy Spirit,
Welcoming all to Discover, Follow and Share Jesus Christ.
After decades of working on building the physical structure of our Church and School, in October 2022 we rolled out a new Pastoral Plan that defined a new Evangelization Era at OLG and a vision that we are:
Called by God, filled with the Holy Spirit, welcoming all to Discover, Follow and Share Jesus Christ.
Llamados por Dios, llenos del Espíritu Santo, acogiendo a todos a Descubrir, Seguir y Compartir a Jesucristo.
Pathway To Discipleship
We are very excited to focus all efforts and energy on Evangelization at OLG by building a spiritual church as Jesus commissioned us to go proclaim the Gospel and go make disciples. Everyone is invited to take part in the Pathway to Discipleship a series of three experiences; Discover Christ, Follow Christ, and Share Christ
The Pathway to Discipleship is intended to help one grow deeper in their relationship with Jesus Christ, no matter where they are in their faith journey. Explore more about our Pathway to Discipleship

What is the Evangelization Era at OLG
In this video, Fr. Paul explains Evangelization, how it impacts our Parish, and what it means to be Centered in the Spirit.
Prayer For Evangelization
“Evangelization” comes from the root word “Gospel” (Good News), and Jesus calls for Evangelization (Mk 16:15-16). At Our Lady of Guadalupe Parish, we answer Jesus’ call for evangelization by praying first. We encourage all to be united through prayer and ask everyone to pray the Prayer of Evangelization as we step into Evangelization, and journey together this Discipleship Pathway to Discover, Follow and Share Jesus Christ.