Middle School and High School Youth Ministry which includes Sacramental Preparation with a focus on Confirmation.

If you are ready to learn more about G.Y.M., please complete this Interest Form. Once the form is received, we will be in touch to schedule a time for a “meet & greet” with the youth and their parent where we hope to share our vision and help you discern about joining G.Y.M.

We are excited to get to know you and your family as we accompany each other on this journey of spiritual growth!

For more information, contact to Marina Torres

Email Marina or 310-372-7077 ext. 229

2024 – 2025 GYM CALENDARS

Click the click to view and download each calendar.

IN THE MIDDLE (for Middle School/Jr. High)




El Ministerio Juvenil Guadalupe (G.Y.M.) es para jóvenes de secundaria (grados 6-8) o secundaria (grados 9-12) que buscan crecer en la fe y desean una relación con Jesús. Si está interesado complete el formulario de interés

Una vez que complete este formulario, nos comunicaremos con usted para programar un momento para conocerlos a ustedes los padres y su joven donde esperamos compartir nuestra visión y ayudarlos a discernir sobre el unirse a G.Y.M.

Si tiene alguna pregunta, comuníquese con Marina Torres marina@ourladyofguadalupechurch.org  310 372-7077 ext. 229