Our Parish Evangelization effort offers the Pathway to Discipleship regularly for anyone to grow deeper in their relationship with Jesus Christ.  The Pathway to Discipleship consists of three steps; Discover Christ, Follow Christ, and Share Christ.  Each time we offer a step on the pathway, we choose an experience to offer that fits that stage of a journey to discipleship.  But what if you as an individual want to move closer to Christ, or you or a group wishes to go deeper after the Pathway to Discipleship, or if you have or want to form a group who wishes to travel on your own? This page is meant as a resource to help that journey.

Share Christ Resources

It is a daunting task to be an Evangelist!! But we are all called, sometimes in small ways, to Share our Faith in Jesus Christ with others. St. Peter instructs us; to give the reason for your hope with gentleness and respect” 1 Peter 3:15. It is not something we’ve been taught much, how to share Christ with others in a way that is loving and respectful. Here is more help.

  1. The formed.org Lectio video series on Evangelization.
  2. The most famous Catholic approach to making disciples is Forming Intentional Disciples: The Path to Knowing and Following Jesus, by Sherry Weddell.  This book is very good, but I have found it to be very detailed and takes time to really study and practice.
  3. I have always benefitted from reading how non Catholic Christians have converted to Catholicism, and what helped them on that journey. Here are two books on that topic that I’ve enjoyed, and the third is a recommended and widely read book.
    1. Stunned by Scripture: How the Bible Made Me Catholic, by Dr. John Bergsma.
    2. My Life On The Rock: A Rebel Returns to the Catholic Faith, by Jeff Cavins.
    3. Rome Sweet Home: Our Journey to Catholicism, by Kimberly Han.
  4. You can visit the Christlife website to find their resources for Share Christ. (We used their Discover Christ on our pathway).