Church Address

440 Massey Ave.
Hermosa Beach, CA 90254
View Map & Get Driving Directions

Parish Office and Mailing Address

244 Prospect Ave.
Hermosa Beach, CA 90254
(310) 372-7077 phone
(310) 798-4051 fax
Email the Church office a message

The Parish Office is the first house located on the corner of Prospect Ave. & Massey St.
Offices: Clergy, Office Manager and Bookkeeper

Our Lady of Guadalupe Map

Click the below image thumbnail to see the map in a larger view.

Click above image to enlarge the OLG Map

Parish Office Hours  

Monday – Thursday: 8:00 AM – 4:00 PM
Saturday: 8:30 AM – 12 PM, or by appointment

Holidays on which the parish office is normally closed:
Christmas Eve to New Year’s Day and some surrounding days, Martin Luther King Jr. Holiday, President’s Day, Good Friday through Easter Monday, Memorial Day, Juneteenth, 4th of July, Veterans Day, Thanksgiving Day and the Friday after Thanksgiving

If you require a key to the facilities, please call the Parish Office ahead of time and make arrangements.

St. Joseph of Cupertino House (“The COOP”)

Guadalupe Youth Ministry (GYM) and Family Faith Formation Offices located at:
234 Prospect Avenue, (2nd house from the corner of Prospect & Massey)
Hermosa Beach, California

The Music Ministry Office

The Music Ministry is located in the balcony of the church and can be reached at this number (424) 327-6723.


Are you curious about our faith, traditions, sacraments, or anything Catholic? Let us know your questions about anything!  We’d like to review your questions and possibly give you an answer. Click this link to submit your question

Sacramental Record Request

Are you looking for sacramental record for a sacrament you received at Our Lady of Guadalupe Church, Hermosa Beach CA? Please complete this sacramental request form and a member of our staff will contact you.

It is a common request for those who are in sacramental preparation (baptism, first communion, confirmation, wedding) to provide a newly issued certificate to the parish/school to confirm the sacraments you have already received.

Parish Staff

Rev. Paul Gawlowski, OFM Conv. , ext. 225  Email Fr. Paul

Associate Pastor
Rev. Carlos Morales, OFM Conv. , ext. 222

Music Director
Bobbi Lambert, ext. 223  Email Bobbi

Coordinator of Children and Family Evangelization C.A.F.E. Sacrament Preparation (Grades K-5)
Lizeth Alvarado,  ext. 231 Email Lizeth

Guadalupe Youth Ministry (Middle School & High School)
Marina Torres, ext. 229 Email Marina

Adult Evangelization
Joe Tvrdy, ext. 226

Mission Coordinator
Jamie Ramirez,  ext. 228 Email Jamie

Office Coordinator
Denise Solan, ext 220 Email Denise

Taryn Binder, ext. 227

Bob Styles

Our Lady Of Guadalupe School Office

340 Massey Street, Hermosa Beach, CA 90254
(310) 372-7486
Principal: Dr. April Beuder
School Website:

OLG School - Dolphins