A Bold Plan of Renewal
Called to Renew is a historic, five-year campaign to strengthen parishes, families, and communities in the Archdiocese of Los Angeles through unity and action; together we commit to renewing what is important so we can pass it on to those who we love. To read the Message of Hope from Archbishop Gomez, and learn more about the campaign, visit calledtorenew.org

OUR LADY OF GUADALUPE is excited to participate alongside all parishes, missions, and Catholic centers in the Los Angeles Archdiocese to strengthen and renew our Church community for the future.
In the following video, Father Paul shares how the Call To Renew campaign will benefit the Archdiocese as well as help to support Evangelization ministries at our Parish.
Your Dollars at work to build the Church Spiritually
Please consider participating in the Archdiocesan-wide Called to Renew Campaign. Half of all money raised will be used here at Our Lady of Guadalupe to support our Evangelization ministries. The other half will go to help other churches with deferred maintenance, help provide a Catholic education for the future, help priesthood vocations, and direct ministry to hospitals and prisons. 100% of all money raised in excess of our parish goal, will go to our parish for evangelization ministries.

Pledged over 5 years for the Called to Renew Campaign.
At this point your donations still help, and 100% of it will stay here at OLG to help with our Evangelization Ministries!
Call To Renew Campaign funds that remain at OLG will be used to
> Provide Seed Money for Evangelization Ministries.
> Remodel the Newly Vacated School Offices into Ministry Space.
> Provide for Other Enhancements of our Facilities to Accommodate Growing Ministries, and make them more energy efficient.
We ask our OLG community to be united in this prayer of evangelization, offering it up to our Lord as we journey together on this discipleship pathway to DISCOVER, FOLLOW, and SHARE Jesus Christ.
A little bit given over time will make a big difference.
$200 per month over 5 years totals $12,000
$150 per month over 5 years totals $9,000
$100 per month over 5 years totals $6,000
$60 per month over 5 years totals $3,600
$30 per month over 5 years totals $1,800
(That is only $1 per day!)
Pledges over a period of time allow parishioners to consider more substantial commitments than are possible with onetime cash gifts. For more details, please contact the office at (310) 372-7077. All donations are tax-deductible to the fullest extent provided by law.
Make a Donation
To make a one-time donation/pledge or a 5-year pledge via the Archdiocese Call To Renew website, click the following button.
(Be sure to select “Our Lady of Guadalupe HERMOSA BEACH P610” as the location you are donating to.)
If you would prefer to make a pledge that is less than 5 years you can do that through the giving software for our church, click the following button.
No account sign-up is needed.