Webmaster Archive

Attention All 55+ Parishioners

A few volunteers are re-organizing the Senior Ministry here at OLG. In order to meet the needs of everyone, we have placed a survey at the back of the church. Please take one and fill it out and either bring it to …

Celebration of the Second Scrutiny

Today at the 11:30AM Mass we join our Elect and Candidates in hearing the story of Jesus healing the man born blind. Together we welcome the light of Christ to shine on our spiritual blindness and pray for the courage to live …

Feast Day Thanks!

Thank You for Honoring Our Lady of Guadalupe on Her Feast Day! We had such a wonderful celebration . Thank you to all the wonderful volunteers who made this Feast a most memorable one for all. We would also like to thank …

Archdiocese Program to Empower Children

Did You Know? The Archdiocese offers a program to empower children. Abuse prevention includes empowering children by teaching them body safety rules and steps they can take to ensure their own safety. The Archdiocese of Los Angeles currently offers age appropriate prevention programs …
OLG Bundle Sunday

OLG Bundle Sunday

Back by popular demand, and those doing their “Spring Cleaning”, Our Lady of Guadalupe and the St. Vincent DePaul Organization will be sponsoring a Bundle Sunday on Sunday February 22nd. That means you have a week to start bundling up all those clothes you will never fit in again and the golf …