Webmaster Archive

A Few Thoughts from Fr. Ray

A Few Thoughts from Fr. Ray

Thank you for your support of Our Lady of Guadalupe during the Christmas Season and for your year-end gifts to the Parish. You were very generous. A few of you helped with the fumigation of our School and Hall. The Parking Lot is almost paid for. Thank …
Las Posadas

Las Posadas

What is “Posadas”? Posadas are an example of Hispanic prayer dramatically enacted. Posadas usually take place during the nine evenings before Christmas. The prayers of the people are intercessory, expressing solidarity with a man and a woman, pilgrims seeking shelter from strangers, as …
The Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe

The Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe

The feast of our patroness is December 12th. Our parish community will celebrate with a serenade to Our Lady (Mañanitas) on Tuesday, December 11th, at 11:30PM followed by Mass. On December 12th, Mass will be celebrated with Bishop Oscar Solis at 8:00AM. …
Santa Secret Shop

Santa Secret Shop

Secret Santa Shop needs donations of the following candy: blow pops, bubble gum filled, skittles, tootsie roll pops, M&M milk chocolate, Hershey’s kiss milk chocolate. Please send into the school office to the attention of Bea Botha, Secret Santa Chair. We appreciate your help for this fundraiser. You can sign …
From Fr. Ray

From Fr. Ray

Today is the Feast of Christ the King, the last Sunday of our Liturgical Year. We remember today that Christ is the Lord of life, the King of Salvation. Next week, we celebrate the first Sunday in Advent and begin our journey …


Are you prepared for the “Big One”? Are you and your kids prepared for the next earthquake? Think about a communications plan for your family. Choose someone who does not live with you (preferably an out-of-town relative or friend) whom you and other family members can contact to check …