denise Archive

The Epiphany Of The Lord

Epiphany is a traditional time for blessing of the home with readings, prayer, and chalking above the entrance to the home with a blessing for the year. As the magi visited the home of Mary, Joseph, and Jesus and brought gifts and …

Prepare for the Coming of Christ

Advent always starts four Sundays before Christmas. This year Advent starts Sunday, December 1. Advent is a time to focus on preparing ourselves for the birth of Christ. Like Mary between the time of the Annunciation and Birth, we take time to …

Christmas Food Drive & Adopt A Family

During this Christmas season, here are some ways you can help families in need at our Parish and in the community. OLG HAND n HAND CHRISTMAS FOOD DRIVE Help our parishioners in need this Christmas by sponsoring a family. As a sponsor, …

Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe

The feast of our patroness is almost here. OUR LADY OF GUADALUPE NOVENA The OLG Novena is December 3-11. Dec 3 OLG Rosario y Misa 7-8 PM in the church OUR LADY OF GUADALUPE FEAST DAY MASS TIMES The special feast day …

Give Thanks To The Lord

Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good;  for his steadfast love endures forever. – Psalm 107:1 Join us for Thanksgiving Day Mass Thursday, November 28, at 9 AM The Mass is bilingual. We invite you to bring a food from your …