denise Archive

Praise & Worship Gathering

THE FEAST is a monthly gathering on Sunday afternoons that includes lunch, praise, and worship combined with a talk and discussion. It is for all of God’s children! All are welcome! Starts 11:00 AM in the Hall. There is no cost to …

Mass Volunteer Sign Up

Whoever serves me must follow me, and where I am, there will my servant be. The Father will honor whoever serves me.  John 12:26 We invite everyone to pray to the Lord asking how He is calling you to serve. All training is …
Church Map During Construction

Church Map During Construction

Church Map During Construction We are under construction!  The 5th Street Church Entrance and the staircase from the lunch tables to the Portico are not accessible at this time. From the Main Parking Lot, please go up the School Staircase (or use the …

California Fires

We are devastated to see the pain, suffering, and destruction caused by the fires. We meet these moments of crisis and respond in faith. Our prayers are with all those affected by these fires, and we offer these resources for use at …

Children & Families Adoration

FRIENDS OF JESUS – CHILDREN’S ADORATION NIGHT Friday, February 28 We’re excited to invite all Families and children to join us at 6 PM for a potluck dinner in the Hall, then at 7 PM we’ll gather in the church for Children’s …

Unite In Prayer

Eucharistic Adoration Bend knees in prayer along others as we come together to pray for all those affected in the LA fires. May we unite in prayer centered around Jesus for hope, strength and faith. OLG Young Adults invites you to unite …