Become Part of the Historic Building Our Faith Campaign by helping us now


Our History

Our Historic Building Our Faith Campaign began in 2016. Since then we added onto our Church and School the new addition that contains our Portico, Music and Multipurpose Room, STEM Lab, New School Offices, Meeting Rooms, Teachers Lounge, and New School Entrance.

The construction is complete, and we have fully paid off the construction loan! Thank you for your generosity! Together and by the Grace of God we have done all this! We are Blessed and Grateful.

The last step is to build the new stairs pictured above from the Church to the Portico. We are still counting on the outstanding pledges to the Building Our Faith Campaign to do most of the final work, but we are a bit short. We need to raise about $175,000 more to build the stairs and complete the donor wall. We plan to give ourselves a loan from all our church funds to allow construction to begin before the end of 2024.

These stairs will benefit us in the following ways:

  1. Easy access to events in Portico and MPR after Masses.
  2. Safe way for parents to walk toddlers to Portico who need a break during Mass.
  3. Will become the main entrance to the church from the main parking lot, using the elevator or middle school staircase to come up, walk past STEM Lab and MPR through Portico into the church.


Can we ask once again for a bit more help?

If you have contributed to the previous Building Our Faith Campaign, any additional funds you donate towards these stairs will add to the amount you have already given so that we may possibly adjust the level of donation acknowledgement on our donor wall. (We have acknowledged donations of $1,000, $2,000, $5,000 and $10,000 at different levels of prominence.  Additional donations could move you up to the next level.)

If you have not yet contributed to this campaign, this is a opportunity to inscribe your name (or the name of your family, or a loved one) in bronze onto our donor wall on the Portico.

More than Just Stairs!

The last phase of our project is actually much more than just a staircase! It includes:

  • Removing the current planter and relocating the HVAC units to allow a staircase with two banks of stairs, a middle and an upper landing. The stairs will have decorative tile risers and concrete treads (or they will be all tile, the final design is still to be determined.)
  • The upper landing will non-slip tile and be expanded from 48 square feet to 135 square feet to allow more comfortable greeting space as we enter and exit the church. (We will also make it all one level, eliminating the current dip that does cause people to stumble a bit).
  • The front stairs onto 5th street sidewalk will be rebuilt to allow for the larger and single level upper landing.
  • There will be room for storage (items to be used to enjoy the Portico like chairs and tables) between the church and the stairs. (Storage space is shown as the “cage-in” area in the pictures, but will probably be enclosed with decorative wood sliding panels.)

To donate to this cause, we are asking you to click on the below link, to fill out a pledge (or one time donation) form. After you fill out the form, you will be notified how to donate.  Thank  you very much.

If you have any questions, feel free to call Fr. Paul at the church office, or email Fr. Paul at [email protected].


We have a donor who is willing to Match the first $5,000 pledge!