Going through the Follow Christ Experience allowed me to focus more on God and find a community of great like minded individuals that are also searching to deepen their connection with Him. – Christopher

“Pick up your cross everyday and follow me.  Luke 9:23

Step into the Follow Christ Experience

Follow Christ is for anyone seeking to place Jesus at the center of their life and longing for a deeper relationship with Jesus. The focus is on prayer life: learning how to pray in various ways, especially through scripture and the Mass.

During this experience, our weekly sessions include a meal, a small group discussion, praise & worship music/prayer time, and teaching. A new teaching is presented weekly to further our practice of personal prayer and understanding of the Mass. There is also a one-day retreat during Share Christ.

The 2024 Spring Follow Christ Session concluded in May. OLG will offer the Follow Christ experience again. 

Would you like us to contact you when registration for Follow Christ is available? Click here to provide your contact info.

En Siguiendo a Cristo..Aprendimos a orar con el corazon, y a leer la biblia con el corazon. Aprendimos a Orar con Fe, ya que es el camino a la salvacion. – Norma y Pedro

Seguir a Cristo, es una experiencia de cinco semanas para cualquier persona que busque poner a Jesús en el centro de su vida y busque una relación más profunda con Jesús. El enfoque está en la vida de oración: aprender a orar de varias maneras, especialmente a través de las Escrituras y la Misa.

Si desea conocer más sobre la experiencia de Seguir a Cristo y las fechas de la próxima sesión por favor haga click aquí

Si alguno quiere venir en pos de mí, niéguese á sí mismo, y tome su cruz cada dia, y sígame.  Lucas 9:23

Before, my prayer life was in the morning, pretty rushed.  Now, I also pray at lunch time but with scripture and allowing myself time to listen to God’s word.  It’s been very meaningful, and I started to share this experience with some coworkers!  – Laura


En esta experiencia del discipulado no solo vas a reafirmar tu fe sino que te vas a conocer a ti mismo y te vas a enfrentar tus debilidades al igual que tus cualidades y vas a poder aceptarte tal cual eres. Dios esta contigo y te necesita, No hay caminos para la oración, la oración es el camino. – Silvia

Follow Christ Praise & Worship

“I am the light of the world, says the Lord; whoever follows me will have the light of life. John 8:12

Prayer For Evangelization

“Evangelization” comes from the root word “Gospel” (Good News), and Jesus calls for Evangelization (Mk 16:15-16).  At Our Lady of Guadalupe Parish, we answer Jesus’ call for evangelization by praying first.  We encourage all to be united through prayer and ask everyone to pray the Prayer of Evangelization as we step into Evangelization, and journey together this Discipleship Pathway to Discover, Follow and Share Jesus Christ.

View the OLG Evangelization Prayer Card 

“Whatever you ask in prayer with faith, you will receive.” Matthew 21:22

Discipleship Resources

Explore more about what it means to be a disciple and the characteristics of a missionary disciple. View Discipleship Resources