Mass Volunteer Sign Up

Whoever serves me must follow me, and where I am, there will my servant be. The Father will honor whoever serves me.  John 12:26

We invite everyone to pray to the Lord asking how He is calling you to serve. All training is provided, and each Ministry has a rotating schedule of service.


It is a great honor and privilege to serve at the Altar of our Lord and therefore your participation as an Altar Server is special. When you serve the priests and deacons, you serve the people of God, and above all, you serve Christ. As an Altar Server, you are involved in the holiest and most sacred event in our tradition of Catholic worship. If you are interested in learning more about becoming an Alter Server, please complete this form and our team will be in touch with you.


Eucharistic ministers help the ordained ministers in the administration of Holy Communion during the Mass with reverence and love. Serve the people of God by trying to sincerely live the Gospel message in our communal and individual lives. Faithfully participate in the Sunday Eucharist and with God’s grace strive to live our faith in every aspect of our lives. If you are interested in learning more about becoming a Eucharistic, please complete this form and our team will be in touch with you.


Lectors have the unique responsibility of proclaiming the Word of God through the words of Scripture and realize that in and through us God speaks to the gathered faithful. Understand that the Word of God is not merely read: it is proclaimed and effective proclamation involves the delivery of the message with clarity, conviction and appropriate pace, by improving our ability to evoke faith in others by demonstrating our own faith. If you are interested in learning more about becoming a Lector, please complete this form and our team will be in touch with you.


Greeters welcome all those coming to Mass.  St. Paul tell us we are to “welcome one another as Christ has welcomed you” Rom 15:7 and proclaims joyfully to all visitors, “I am happy you have come celebrate Mass with a community.” If you are interested in learning more about becoming a Greeter, please complete this form and our team will be in touch with you.


Ushers are called to be a Minister of Hospitality. Ushers stand ready to assist anyone in the congregation who might need help, to aid latecomers in finding a seat, and to inform those in the sanctuary of any urgent matters. Church ushers are well-versed in emergency procedures. In case of an emergency, the ushers will take the lead in getting people to safety in an orderly manner. When you serve as an usher, you set the stage for the worship experience. You are literally part of the continuing story of God’s redemption. Your spiritual readiness and act of service play a huge role in the life change that takes place that day. If you are interested in learning more about becoming a Welcome Minister, please complete this form and our team will be in touch with you.


Production Team volunteers operate our livestream system during the Masses. If you are interested in learning more, please contact [email protected] for more information.



Martha Ministry is our church’s “clean team.” Help keep the church well-maintained so we have a welcoming worship space for our OLG family members. Also, maintain in good condition all liturgical vestments and sacred vessels. “As they continued their journey he entered a village where a woman whose name was Martha welcomed him.” Luke 10:38 If you are interested in learning more about becoming a Welcome Minister, please complete this form and our team will be in touch with you.


Song Lyrics Clicker helps parishioners sing along at Mass by changing the  Praise and Worship lyric slides in sync with the music. If you are interested in learning more, please contact [email protected] for more information.