RCIA: Farewell Potluck 2018

The Farewell Potluck for the RCIA was on May 23rd 2018. It was a great time of food and fellowship. People were reluctant to leave because of the great time they were having. Here are a few pictures of this momentous occasion. Inviting anyone who would like to complete their sacraments to come to next years RCIA. Please contact us at rcia@olgmail.org if you would like to register for next years RCIA.

RCIA Potluck Food 1

First set of food at the RCIA Potluck

RCIA Potluck Food II

Second set of food at the RCIA Potluck

RCIA Potluck Deserts

RCIA Potluck Deserts

Digging into Food

Getting Food

RCIA Team Enjoying the potluck

RCIA Team Enjoying